Spring Class Listings Available
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Spring Class Registration Underway.

Adapted Recreation programs ensure fun for everyone.
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Buddy up for learning and fun in Park Authority swim classes.
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Fun, friends and adventures await in Park Authority camps!
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Little ones learn best through play in programs tailored to their interests.
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From the classics to modern moves, Park Authority dance classes are always in style.
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From equestrian lessons to old-fashioned fun, there's something for everyone at Frying Pan Farm Park.
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Park Authority events are entertaining, educational and fun!
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Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or have limited mobility, there's a fitness option for you in Park Authority exercise classes.
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Spark your creativity in Park Authority fine arts and crafts classes.
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Cultivate your love of nature with Park Authority gardening classes.
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Enjoy comprehensive classes and practice facilities year-round at Park Authority golf courses.
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Yesterday’s innovation is still full of fascination at Park Authority historic sites.
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Learn to glide, swizzle and stop like a pro in ice skating classes.
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Learn self-defense and build confidence in Park Authority martial arts classes.
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Explore the great outdoors in Park Authority nature classes.
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Whether you take a hike, cast a line or guide a boat, nature's perspective always changes in outdoor recreation classes.
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Retire your air guitar and learn to make some real music in performing arts classes.
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Your canine companion can bone up on everything from agility to obedience in Park Authority classes.
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Explore new places and ideas in Park Authority merit badge programs.
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Team up for fun and learn a new sport.
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Budding engineers and computer programmers have fun learning in Park Authority technology classes.
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Learn strategic games, investigate your family history, brush up on social graces and more!
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