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Gregg Steverson
Acting Director

Wiehle Avenue Study

News & Updates

FCDOT held a public meeting May 23, 2024, to present three concepts developed from feedback gathered at its workshop last November. Concepts include lane reductions, wider sidewalks and landscaped buffers, dedicated bicycle facilities and roundabouts. Feedback from the presentation can be made by taking this survey. It will help inform a "Preferred Alternative" for the future of Wiehle Avenue. The survey will be open through July 1, 2024. 


Study Description  

FCDOT is conducting a multimodal corridor study of Wiehle Avenue from Sunrise Valley Drive to the Washington and Old Dominion Trail. This study originated from a Follow-On Motion authorized by the Board of Supervisors in response to the approval of the Campus Commons zoning application (RZ/FDP 2017-HM-018 and PCA 79-C-023). 

The objective of this study is to evaluate Wiehle Avenue’s multimodal operations since the opening of Phase II of Metrorail’s Silver Line and determine how to best transform this corridor from an auto-dominated suburban designed road to a multimodal urban designed street. This effort is expected to identify new and improved bicycle/pedestrian facilities and intersection treatments, as well as evaluate the potential reconfiguration of vehicular lanes and/or widths for current and future land use scenarios.

Wiehle Avenue Study Map


Public Meeting Information 

The Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) held a public workshop for the Wiehle Avenue Study on Monday, Nov. 13, 2023, at Langston Hughes Middle School in Reston. John Carter, Hunter Mill representative to the Fairfax County Planning Commission, and Hunter Mill Supervisor Walter Alcorn welcomed attendees, and FCDOT facilitated ice breakers with the following questions:

  1. Where do you like to go in Reston and what mode of transportation do you use to get there?
  2. What would encourage you to walk or bike more around Reston?
  3. What does change look like to you?

(Click on any of the questions or images above to view the ice breaker answers)

In general, people mentioned using a variety of modes (e.g., walk, bike, drive) to get around to various community amenities (e.g., W&OD Trail, Lake Anne, Plaza America, public library), but a lack of adequate infrastructure, such as wider sidewalks, pedestrian-scale lighting, and wayfinding discouraged some from walking and biking. 

FCDOT staff then gave a presentation covering common transportation terminology; the background purpose and process for the study; and details from the existing conditions transportation assessment. The slides included examples of streets with trees and dedicated bicycle infrastructure to encourage discussion about possible improvements for the corridor. The audience was given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments during the presentation.

Attendees then broke into eight groups to discuss their vision for the future of Wiehle Avenue.

  1. Workshop Group 1 Map
  2. Workshop Group 2 Map
  3. Workshop Group 3 Map
  4. Workshop Group 4 Map
  5. Workshop Group 5 Map
  6. Workshop Group 6 Map
  7. Workshop Group 7 Map
  8. Workshop Group 8 Map

Ideas that were proposed included roundabouts at major intersections, reducing the number of travel lanes, turn lanes and/or lane widths. FCDOT will consolidate the ideas from the workshop into three future concepts (Year 2030) for Wiehle Avenue, and then test each to see how they affect traffic, pedestrian comfort, bicycle stress and access to transit. FCDOT plans to share the results of the analysis at a public meeting in spring 2024.

Questions? Comments?

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