Upcoming Events
Newsletter Sign Up
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Regístrese aquí para recibir el Asesor de Mount Vernon, los Resúmenes de BOS y las Buenas Noticias del Supervisor Storck.
Who Do I Call?
Wondering who to call regarding services, issues or general information in the Mount Vernon District?
Parking Violation Public Report Form
Report a commercial vehicle improperly parked on public streets!
Fairfax County enforces adopted state law and regulations regarding parked vehicles. Use the public report form to submit an observed violation to the Fairfax County Police Department.
Mount Vernon Governmental Center Native Perennial Gardens
Learn about the Mount Vernon Governmental Center's native perennial gardens! Find the plant list, natural landscaping information and the garden's history.
Potomac Banks - Explore Fairfax South
Visit Potomac Banks - Explore Fairfax South locations and save money with the Potomac Banks Savings Pass!
Updated Voting Information
Important dates & deadlines for the next election, Early Voting locations & schedules, applying for an Absentee Ballot, Drop Box locations, Curbside Services. Verify your voter registration is updated for your current address and confirm your polling place for voting on Election Day.
Transportation is key to Mount Vernon residents. Improvements to Richmond Highway and I-395, combined with increased transit services, provide a wide variety of transportation options, access and accessibility to District residents, business and travelers, alike.
Land Use
Development and land use are very important to the growth of the Mount Vernon District in coming years.
Parks & Trails
Destinations and Attractions
Mount Vernon District is full of historic, cultural, natural and arts destinations.
Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for opportunities to give back to our community?
Community Rooms
Need a meeting space for your group?
Legislators & Voting
Looking for your local representatives or polling place?
Environment Expo 2024
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 6th Annual Environment Expo on Saturday, April 27 from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. it was a great free, family event in celebration of Earth Day!
Mount Vernon Nights
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 2024 Mount Vernon Nights Summer Concert Series on Friday evenings at Grist Mill Park at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday evenings at the Workhouse Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. These free, public concerts feature a variety of musical performances reflecting Fairfax County’s diversity, culture and community spirit. Save the date and join us next Summer!
Tour de Mount Vernon
Thank you to everyone that joined us for the 9th Annual Tour de Mount Vernon at the Workhouse Arts Center on Saturday, October 19, 2024! We invite you to save the date for next year's ride in the north on Saturday, October 18, 2025!
38th Annual Town Meeting 2025
Thank you to everyone who joined us us for the 38th Annual Town Meeting on Saturday, February 8, 2025!
Purple Bin Comes to Mount Vernon
Glass recycling comes to Mount Vernon! Visit the Mount Vernon Governmental Center to drop your glass off in the new Purple Bin.