
CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM-4:30 PM M-F
703-877-5600 TTY 711
4050 Legato Road, Suite 400
Fairfax, VA 22033
Gregg Steverson

TDM Toolkit for Developers

Carpool ParkingThis page is a resource and overview of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) requirements for developers working to build their TDM Programs. Details regarding Fairfax County and Tysons-specific goals, requirements, levels of participation, remedy funds and reports follow below.

General information on TDM can be found on our welcome page, with links to resources for commuters and employers.


The following chart lists all the TDM requirements for the different levels of participation. Some developments' requirements may vary based on their site-specific agreements:

General TDM Elements Full Moderate Light
Bus Benches X X X
Provide Transportation Kiosk or Information Display X X X
Onsite Transportation Fairs X X X
Website/Online Commuter Store X X X
Participation in FCDOT Rideshare Program X X X
Vanpool Accessible Parking and Drop Off X X X
NonSOV Preferred Parking (Office Only) X X X
Pedestrian Facilities X X X
Designate Program Manager X X X
Join area Transportation Management Association If Available If Available If Available
Bicycle Programs
Bicycle Racks X X X
Protected Bicycle Storage or Lockers X X ----
Shower Facilities (Office Only) X X ----
Bicycle Routes, Lanes and/or Paths X X ----
Bikeshare Participation If Available If Available ----
Transit Programs
Bus Shelter or Bus Stop Improvements X X When Requested
Free or Reduced Cost Transit Passes X X ----
Real Time Transit Information If Available If Available ----
Shuttle When Requested X ----
Marketing Programs
Access Guide X X ----
Brick and Mortar Commuter Store If Feasible ---- ----
Incentive Programs
Individualized Marketing Programs X ---- ----
Off-Peak Travel Programs (Residential Only) X X ----
Shop Near Home Marketing (Residential Only) X X ----
Live or Shop Near Work Marketing X X ----
Parking Programs
Occasional Parking Program X X X
Promote Paid Parking X ---- ----
Promote Parking Cashout X X ----
Promote Unbundled Parking X X ----
Rideshare Programs
Vanpool Program X X ----
Alternate Work Programs
Promote Compressed Work Weeks (Office Only) X X X
Promote Flexible Work Schedules (Office Only) X X X
Promote Telework Programs (Office Only) X X X
Maintain Onsite Business Center (Residential Only) X X ----
Other Programs
CarShare Program If Available If Available If Available
Concierge Service X ---- ----
Guaranteed Ride Home (Office Only) X X X
Participation in Events & Campaigns X X ----
Surveys Every 3 Years Every 3 Years Every 3 Years
Trip Counts Annually* Annually* Biennially
Reports Annually Annually Annually
Non-Compliance Fee X X X
Incentive Fund X X X
Remedy Fund X X ----
TMA Contribution X ---- ----
Penalty Fund X ---- ----

* Or per proffered agreement

Tysons Aerial Shot
Photo Courtesy of Tysons Partnership

The Tysons area is a rapidly urbanizing community with growing transportation needs. Because of this, it is important that Transportation Demand Management in this area is held to a higher standard, especially with resources such as the Metro’s Silver Line serving the area and providing connectivity to the greater Washington, D.C., area.


Below are the Trip Reduction Goals for developments in Tysons. As Gross Square Feet (GSF) increases in the area, the reduction goals of developments are also increased. TDM Programs and plans are created to meet these reduction goals.

A Remedy Fund has been a component of recent TDM initiatives and has taken the form of a monetary set-aside that is used if the TDM measures implemented by a development are failing to achieve TDM goals. The benefit of a Remedy Fund is that it can be accessed immediately to improve a TDM program as needed. A contribution to a Remedy Fund of $.40 per square foot of commercial development and $.30 per square foot of residential development is anticipated to be established upon occupancy permit issuance for each building. If annual trip counts reveal that goals are not met, monies from the Remedy Fund must be spent, in an amount specified in Attachment II, to enhance the TDM program.

Tysons Corner Trip Reduction Goals


Gross Square
Feet in Tysons
Distance from Metro Station
0 to 1/8 Mile 1/8 to 1/4 Mile 1/4 to 1/2 Mile Beyond 1/2 Mile
Trip Reduction Goal
Up to 65,000,000 45% 35% 30% 25%
65,000,000 50% 40% 35% 30%
84,000,000 55% 45% 40% 35%
90,000,000 58% 48% 43% 38%
96,000,000 60% 50% 45% 40%
105,000,000 63% 53% 48% 43%
113,000,000+ 65% 55% 50% 45%

To help reach these goals, every TDM program in Tysons is required to contribute to their local Transportation Management Association (TMA) and set up three different funds (Incentive Fund, Remedy Fund, and Penalty Fund) each with its own purpose.

  • The Incentive Fund is used to encourage and incentivize the use of multi-modal transit. This can be achieved through means such as pre-loaded SmarTrip cards, or giveaways.
  • The Remedy Fund is drawn upon in the case there is an immediate need for TDM funding in addition to the regular budget to reach reduction goals. However, the Remedy Fund is not a sunk cost, rather an incentive to meet TDM goals; if the set goals are being met, developers have money returned to them from this fund (see chart XX).
  • Finally, the Penalty Fund (Tysons only) is in place if the TDM program does not reach its reduction goals and can be drawn upon by the County to implement additional TDM strategies for the site.

Take, for example, a new development in Tysons with 130,000 square feet of office space and 80,000 square feet of residential space.

The site developer would contribute $17,000 to the local TMA.

Office 130,000 * $0.10 = $13,000
Residential 80,000 * $.0.05 = $4,000
Total $13,000 + $4,000 = $17,000

To the Incentive Fund, the developer would need to contribute $4,200.

Office 130,000 * $0.02 = $2,600
Residential 80,000 * $.0.02 = $1,600
Total $2,600 + $1,600 = $4,200

To the Remedy Fund, the total amount contributed would be $76,000.

Office 130,000 * $0.40 = $52,000
Residential 80,000 * $.0.30 = $24,000
Total $52,000 + $24,000 = $76,000

Finally, to the Penalty Fund, the developer would need to contribute $17,000.

Office 130,000 * $0.10 = $13,000
Residential 80,000 * $.0.05 = $4,000
Total $13,000 + $4,000 = $17,000

The amounts contributed to each fund along with other requirements are outlined below:

TDM Requirements by Location
TDM Components Tysons
TMA Contribution Office $0.10/sq ft
Residential $0.05/sq ft
Incentive Fund Office $0.02/sq ft
Residential $0.02/sq ft
Remedy Fund Office $0.40/sq ft
Residential $0.30/sq ft
Penalty Fund Office $0.10/sq ft
Residential $0.05/sq ft
Non-Compliance Fee $100/Day
TMA Membership Optional
Trip Counts Annually
Surveys Every 3 years, unless otherwise approved by FCDOT
Report Annually
End of Applicant Control Period Post build-out, after 3 consecutive counts show goal has been met


Tysons Remedy Fund: Payment Schedule
Failure to Meet Trip Goals Remedy Expenditure
1% - 3% 1% of Remedy Fund
3.1% - 6% 2% of Remedy Fund
6.1% - 10% 4% of Remedy Fund
Over 10% 8% of Remedy Fund


Remedy Fund Release Charts:

Up to 65,000,000 Square Feet of GSA in Tysons
Meet or Exceed Trip Goal for 3 Years By: Cumulative % Remedy Fund Returned:
(Meet) 0% - 4.9% 30%
5% - 10% 50%
10.1% - 15% 65%
15.1% - 18% 80%
18.1% - 20% 90%
Reach Final Goal 100%


65,000,000-84,000,000 Square Feet of GSA in Tysons
Meet or Exceed Trip Goal for 3 Years By: Cumulative % Remedy Fund Returned:
(Meet) 0% - 4.9% 50%
5% - 10% 65%
10.1% - 13% 80%
13.1% - 15% 90%
Reach Final Goal 100%


84,000,000-90,000,000 Square Feet of GSA in Tysons
Meet or Exceed Trip Goal for 3 Years By: Cumulative % Remedy Fund Returned:
(Meet) 0% - 4.9% 65%
5% - 8% 80%
8.1% - 10% 90%
Reach Final Goal 100%


90,000,000-96,000,000 Square Feet of GSA in Tysons
Meet or Exceed Trip Goal for 3 Years By: Cumulative % Remedy Fund Returned:
(Meet) 0% - 4.9% 80%
5% - 8% 90%
Reach Final Goal 100%


96,000,000-113,000,000 Square Feet of GSA in Tysons
Meet or Exceed Trip Goal for 3 Years By: Cumulative % Remedy Fund Returned:
(Meet) 0% - 4.9% 90%
Reach Final Goal 100%


113,000,000+ Square Feet of GSA in Tysons
Meet or Exceed Trip Goal for 3 Years By: Cumulative % Remedy Fund Returned:
(Meet) 0% - 4.9% 100%


Penalty Fund: Payment Schedule
Failure to Meet Trip Goals Penalty Owed
1% - 3% 5% of Penalty Fund
3.1% - 6% 10% of Penalty Fund
6.1% - 10% 15% of Penalty Fund
Over 10% 20% of Penalty Fund


TDM Work Plan and Annual Reports

Each TDM program is required to submit a TDM Work Plan (TDMWP), which will outline the strategies to be implemented, a timeline of when each strategy will be implemented, and provide an assessment of strategies executed to date.

The Annual Report provides a snapshot of current TDM conditions for a site. Every year this report is to be submitted with information on traffic counts, status of the buildings on the site, TDM budget, trip reduction goal progress, what work has been done to satisfy each TDM proffer, and anticipated changes in the TDM program for the upcoming year.

Although urban density in the rest of Fairfax County is not as high as in Tysons, it is still important to implement TDM measures that reduce the number of trips being generated by new developments.

The reduction goals for Non-Tysons TDM programs are as follows:

Non-Tysons Corner Trip Reduction Goals


Development Non-Tysons TOD Locations Non-TOD Locations (More than 1/2 Mile from Station)
0 to 1/4 Mile from Station 1/4 to 1/2 Mile from Station
Office Baseline* 30% 25% 20%
TDM Goal** 45%-35% 40%-30% 35%-25%
Residential Baseline 30% 25% 15%-10%
TDM Goal 45%-35% 40%-30% 25%-15%

*Baseline refers to the inherent reduction from ITE trip rates observed in Fairfax County without any formal TDM program elements in place. These reductions include the following: vehicle trip reduction due to transit use, peak hour spreading and existing TDM activities (prior to a formal TDM program).

**Use of the higher end of the reduction range should be considered especially for developments in areas of high existing or planned urban accessibility, located close to and with easy and convenient pedestrian access to transit stations (<1/4 mile for rail, <1/8 mile for bus service), and in a walkable, mixed-use environment. Mixed-use development supports higher levels of vehicle trip reduction due to internal trip capture and as well as to walk and bicycle trips within the development or to adjacent developments. A project with TDM that is part of a larger mixed-use development may, therefore, support greater vehicle trip reductions than a smaller, single-use, stand-alone project that implements the same site-level TDM measures. 

To help reach these goals, every Non-Tysons TDM program must set up two different funds (Incentive Fund and Remedy Fund) each with its own purpose:

  • The Incentive Fund is used to encourage and incentivize the use of multi-modal transit. This can be achieved through means such as pre-loaded SmarTrip cards, or giveaways.
  • The Remedy Fund is drawn upon in the case there is an immediate need for TDM funding in addition to the regular budget to reach reduction goals.

Take, for example, a new Non-Tysons development with 130,000 square feet of office space and 80,000 square feet of residential space and within a ½ mile of a Metro stop.

To the Incentive Fund, the developer would need to contribute $4,200.

Office 130,000 * $0.02 = $2,600
Residential 80,000 * $.0.02 = $1,600
Total $2,600 + $1,600 = $4,200

For the Remedy Fund, the total amount contributed would be $34,000.

Office 130,000 * $0.20 = $26,000
Residential 80,000 * $.0.10 = $8,000
Total $26,000 + $8,000 = $34,000


TDM Requirements by Location
TDM Components Non-Tysons TOD (Within 1/2 Mile of Metro) Non-Tysons TOD (Within 1-1/2 Miles of Metro) All other TDM Programs
TMA Contribution Office N/A N/A N/A
Incentive Fund Office $0.02/sq ft $0.01/sq ft $0.01/sq ft
Residential $0.02/sq ft $0.01/DU $0.01/sq ft
Remedy Fund Office $0.20/sq ft $0.10/sq ft N/A
Residential $0.10/sq ft $0.05/sq ft
Penalty Fund Office N/A N/A N/A
Non-Compliance Fee $75/Day $50/Day N/A
TMA Membership Participate Participate Participate
Trip Counts Annually until 3 consecutive counts show goal has been met, then biannually Biennially, unless otherwise requested by FCDOT
Surveys Every 3 years, unless otherwise approved by FCDOT
Report Annually Annually Annually
End of Applicant Control Period Post build-out, after 3 consecutive counts show goal has been met


Non-Tysons Remedy Fund: Payment Schedule
Failure to Meet Trip Goals Remedy Expenditure
1% - 3% 3% of Remedy Fund
3.1% - 6% 6% of Remedy Fund
6.1% - 10% 10% of Remedy Fund
Over 10% 15% of Remedy Fund

TDM Work Plan and Annual Reports

Each TDM site is required to submit a TDM Work Plan (TDMWP), which will outline the strategies to be implemented, a timeline of when each strategy will be implemented, and provide an assessment of strategies executed to date.

The Annual Report provides a snapshot of current TDM conditions for a site. Every year this report is to be submitted with information on traffic counts, status of the buildings on the site, TDM budget, trip reduction goal progress, what work has been done to satisfy each TDM proffer, and anticipated changes in the TDM program for the upcoming year.

*This section is currently under construction. Please visit soon for updates - thank you!*


Access a printable version of the TDM Developer's Toolkit (coming soon).

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