Cameron Run is a 42-square-mile watershed located largely within the Capital Beltway and drains to the Potomac River.
Major Streams and Tributaries
Holmes Run, Tripps Run, Backlick Run, Indian Run, Turkeycock Run and Pike Branch
Unique Features
This watershed is highly developed and includes parts of Baileys Crossroads, Annandale, Springfield, Franconia, Falls Church and Alexandria. Lake Barcroft, a 137-acre manmade lake, is centrally located at the point where Holmes Run and Tripps Run join. The 15-acre Fairview Lake is in the northwestern part of the watershed at the headwaters of Holmes Run. Almost 93 percent (31.5 square miles) of the Cameron Run watershed is located within Fairfax County; the remaining areas are located within the cities of Falls Church and Alexandria.