Department of Planning and Development

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our offices are open 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
703-324-1380 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, VA 22035
Tracy Strunk

Staff Reports for Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments

The Code of Virginia requires localities to review their Comprehensive Plans at least once every five years. The Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan is evaluated more frequently to manage the dynamic changes in the County and to conduct Plan maintenance.  Plan amendments are initiated by a motion by the Board of Supervisors.  In order for an amendment to be adopted, it must be the subject of a public hearing before the Planning Commission (PC) and the Board of Supervisors (BOS). See the Planning Commission's Meeting Calendar for information about currently scheduled Planning Commission public hearings. The Board of Supervisors must vote to adopt the amendment in order to change the Plan.  

Staff reports for the proposed amendments scheduled for public hearing are listed below. Click on an amendment to expand for more information.

This page contains only Plan amendments for which staff reports have been published.  Please visit the Current Plan Amendments page to view Plan amendments that are under review.

Authorized for Public Hearing

On April 11, 2023, the Board of Supervisors (Board) authorized a study (SSPA 2023-III-1FC) of the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for Sub-unit E1 (“Fair Lakes”) of the Fairfax Center Area in the Springfield Supervisor District in response to receiving several nominations for site-specific plan amendments in the sub-unit. On September 12, 2023, the Board re-authorized the study as a two-phase approach consisting of the following:

  • Phase I (SSPA 2023-III-1FC(A)) was authorized to consider land use and density/intensity recommendations for two specific parcels within the Fair Lakes study area [Tax Map Parcels 45-4 ((11)) A2 and 55-2 ((1)) 9A], as well as limited editorial revisions to the sub-unit recommendations.
  • Phase II (SSPA 2023-III-1FC(B)) will involve a larger visioning and land use study for the entire Plan sub-unit. Phase II will take additional time and funding to complete and is not scheduled for hearings at this time.

The intent of the Phase I review was to simultaneously consider two separate site-specific proposals, both of which are also subject to concurrent review of associated rezoning applications, along with minor edits to the related Sub-unit E1 recommendations; however, since the Phase I review began, progress on one of the two site-specific proposals has been temporarily paused by the developers, resulting in the necessary submittals being unavailable for review within the current Phase I timeline. Therefore, the current staff report and recommendations will focus on only the site-specific proposal for Tax Map Parcel 45-4 ((11)) A2. Review of a potential site-specific amendment for Tax Map Parcel 55-2 ((1)) 9A will be considered separately in the future, at such time as sufficient progress has been made on that proposal.

Planning Commission Public Hearing: Wednesday June 12, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.

  • On June 12, 2024, the Planning Commission voted 10-0 to recommend adoption of the staff recommendations for Plan Amendment SSPA 2023-III-1FC(A). View PC Action

Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

Related Resources

Staff Report

Deferred Indefinitely

On March 6, 2018 the Board of Supervisors authorized the consideration of a Comprehensive Plan amendment for 8800 Richmond Highway in the Mount Vernon Supervisor District. Plan Amendment 2018-IV-MV2 considers residential use at a density up to 8 dwelling units per acre for an approximately eight acre area located at 8800 Richmond Highway (Tax Map parcels 109-2((1))18C, 19 and 20) currently planned for private open space. The Board’s authorization requested that staff consider full parcel consolidation and the ability for development to conform with Policy Plan guidance on Environmental Quality Corridors (EQCs), including the demonstration of any circumstances that merit disturbance to the EQC, and the provision of mitigation/compensation measures resulting in a net environmental benefit to the parcels and net benefits relating to most, if not all, the objectives of the EQC policy that are applicable to the proposed disturbances.  The authorization also identified a need for proposed redevelopment to be consistent with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) widening of Richmond Highway.

Planning Commission Public Hearing: The Planning Commission has indefinitely deferred this public hearing.

Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: TBD

Related Resources

Staff Report

Staff Report Addendum

Additional Information

Comprehensive Plan Announcements

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