Fairfax County's Permit Library: A Valuable Resource for Residents and Contractors

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The County Conversation - Permit Library


We recently launched a new online Permit Library aimed at making the permitting and construction process easier for residents and builders. Brandy Mueller, Customer and Technical Support Center branch chief with Land Development Services, was featured on a recent episode of the County Conversation podcast to discuss the new resource.

The Permit Library serves as a comprehensive guide to the county's permitting requirements and processes. As Mueller explained, "We realized we were missing an informative way of educating a layman on how do I manage this process, when is it required, when do I submit, how do I submit?"

The library covers permits for construction projects both large and small, from building a deck to constructing a condo building. 

"We want to make sure you build a safe and sustainable structure with limited impact to the environment, and you meet certain compliance regulations for safety, for public safety," said Mueller.

The Permit Library provides step-by-step guidance, required forms, fee schedules and other resources to walk users through the permitting process. Mueller noted that it’s like a user guide to explain how to navigate the submission, with everything needed for a particular permit type conveniently located on one page.

The library also aims to teach applicants the terminology used in the permitting process.

"We use the words that you will see in the system,” noted Mueller. “And we hyperlink to their pages. So, if you want to learn more about them, 'what does a zoning review entail? What are they going to look like?' Well, you click that page, and they go over. I'm going to look at setbacks."

Mueller encouraged both residents and frequent builder applicants to use the Permit Library and provide feedback through the survey links on each page. 

"I think we can improve not only with involving our own teams, but with involving the customer, so that's our mechanism to do so."

The Permit Library seeks to remove intimidation and confusion from the permitting and construction process. This comprehensive online resource provides a helpful guide for navigating county requirements.

"Our aim was to provide users with a single-page resource that links and explains everything related to a particular permit type. Whether you enter through the county's homepage or use search engines, a simple query like "Fairfax County permit" or "Fairfax County Alteration permit" will lead you directly to the permits you seek." -Brandy Mueller



Land Development Services ensures that all development in Fairfax County meets the safety and health standards of all applicable codes such as the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building and county ordinances. We value our partnership with the public and the building industry.

As stewards of the county’s land development and building construction codes and regulations, Land Development Services facilitates the safe and sustainable building of our communities. It achieves service excellence by building partnerships with stakeholders to create a thriving Fairfax County and enforce the standards set forth in applicable codes such as:

  • The Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code
  • Fairfax County ordinances (e.g., subdivision, stormwater, Chesapeake Bay, zoning
  • The Public Facilities Manual


The “County Conversation” is a podcast featuring employees and subject matter experts from the Fairfax County Government discussing programs, services and items of interest to residents of Fairfax County. Click here to listen to past episodes of "County Conversation.” To find other county podcasts, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/podcasts

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