3 Great Reasons to Go Solar in Fairfax County in 2023

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Rooftop residential solar panels being installed.


Making the switch to solar can be easier than you think and there are many benefits, such as:

  • Reducing your monthly electric bill
  • Avoiding rising energy costs
  • Increasing your home’s value
  • Benefitting the environment by reducing your environmental impact

Many neighbors are opting to install solar panels on their homes, and you can too. Here are three reasons why there’s no better time to switch to solar.


1. Leverage the Power of Solar Group Purchasing Programs

Fairfax County is teaming up with the Local Energy Alliance on Solarize Virginia and Solar United Neighbors on Capital Area Solar Switch. These two programs make switching to residential solar a snap. Participants receive a free assessment and quote from a qualified solar installer, and a guaranteed discounted rate. There are even opportunities to bundle your solar system with electric vehicle charging stations and solar battery storage.

Both solar purchasing programs are offered for a limited time through the end of August.

Solarize Virginia
This grassroots, community-based outreach initiative is managed by the Virginia nonprofit Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) in partnership with the Northern Virginia Regional Commission. Through Aug. 31, homeowners can sign up to receive a free satellite assessment to see if their home is a good fit for solar, and discounted prices from vetted installers. LEAP also provides ongoing customer support and education throughout the process to make it as streamlined as possible. 


Capital Area Solar Switch
Managed by national nonprofit Solar United Neighbors, Capital Area Solar Switch is a new program that provides residents living around the D.C. area with the opportunity to learn about installing rooftop solar panels, battery storage and electric vehicle charging stations for their homes. Throughout the program period ending Aug. 30, you can join free virtual and in-person information sessions on Solar 101 (solar technology, financing, and incentives), as well as sessions with solar installers.



2. Get a Federal Tax Credit to Reduce the Cost Even More

As part of the Inflation Reduction Act, homeowners can also take advantage of a 30% solar tax credit by deducting a percentage of a solar energy system’s installation cost from their federal taxes with no cap on the value.


3. Take Advantage of County Incentives

Fairfax County also offers other resources and benefits for homeowners looking to go solar, such as waived permit fees and a Solar Energy Equipment Tax Exemption.


Learn More

Visit our webpages on going solar.

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