County Conversation Podcast: SHAPE the Future of Aging Plan

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The County Conversation - SHAPE the Future of Aging Plan


Are you or someone you love getting older and in need of support to live independently? The Fairfax Area Agency on Aging is here to help. 

In a recent episode of The County Conversation podcast, director Tara Turner shared news about the SHAPE the Future of Aging plan that was recently adopted by the Board of Supervisors.

S.H.A.P.E. the Future of Aging. S. Services for Older Adult and Family Caregivers. H. Housing and Neighborhood Supports. A. Access to Mobility Options. P. Personal Well-Being. E. Economic Stability and Planning


According to Turner, the five-year plan is aimed at improving the quality of life for older adults in the community. "The key drivers of the plan include an integrated approach to data, inclusive engagement, a commitment to equity, and alignment with the county's strategic plan," she noted.

Turner added that the plan was created through a comprehensive process that included gathering input from the community.

The Shape the Future of Aging plan is created and monitored to serve the community well. It involves committee initiatives chaired by the Commission on Aging and focuses on ensuring access to housing, mobility, personal well-being, and economic stability for older adults.

"We are excited about the plan and the way we can serve our aging community members. This is a plan for and by the community, so we want to make sure it's serving the community well." - Tara Turner


One of the areas of focus for the plan is affordable housing. Turner explained that this issue came up repeatedly in community input and surveys. "Affordable housing is a critical need for aging residents, so we are looking at how we can support folks to age in place," Turner said.

The SHAPE the Future of Aging plan is an important step towards improving the lives of aging adults in Fairfax County. Through inclusive engagement, data-driven planning, and a commitment to equity, the plan aims to address critical needs such as affordable housing and information access. 

As Turner shared, "We are excited about the plan and the ways we can serve our aging community members."



The “County Conversation” is a podcast featuring employees and subject matter experts from the Fairfax County Government discussing programs, services and items of interest to residents of Fairfax County. Click here to listen to past episodes of "County Conversation.” To find other county podcasts, visit

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