Retail Food Inspection Reports Highlight Power of Mapping Technology

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Health Department staff member conducting a food inspection.

Looking for a full menu of food inspection reports?

map-based food inspection report app provides instant access to thousands of inspection reports conducted by the Health Department.

The environmental health team permits and then inspects more than 3,500 retail food establishments within Fairfax County and the cities of Fairfax and Falls Church. Retail food establishments include restaurants, fast food operations, deli's, grocery stores, cafeterias, and other types of places that serve food away from home.


To Find an Inspection Report

  1. Move the interactive map around and find an establishment (if you know its general location)
  2. Search the name on the web application

When you see the retail food establishment you are looking for, click on the name. The available inspection reports will be listed horizontally across the bottom of the screen.

example map showing food establishment locations in Fairfax County

Inspection reports feature several sections:

  • Foodborne illness risk factors and public health interventions
  • Good retail practices
  • Temperature observations
  • Observations and corrective actions

Inspection reports are available within two weeks of the actual inspection and are available online for two years.


Improving Customer Experience

In the past, individuals requesting an inspection report were asked to submit a Freedom of Information Act request to the Health Department. This process is no longer needed.

The development of this web application aligns with the county’s strategic focus on improving customer experience by implementing a human-centered, highly responsive design approach to provide greater and easier access to information, including decisions that impact health and wellness.

The Power of Map-Based Technology

Our county departments continue to use geospatial technology to advance the county’s mission and strategic plan. Learn more about Geographic Information Systems (commonly known as GIS) and all of the maps, services and data available to you to explore your county.

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