Prevention Unit

703-324-1762 TTY 711
12011 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, VA 22035
Marla Zometsky

Prevention Programs in Fairfax County

Prevention Programs in Fairfax CountyThe following list is provided as a resource for the Fairfax County community. Each prevention program is managed differently and has its own set of requirements.
If you are interested in a specific program, please contact the provider directly for more information.

  • Fairfax County Teen Centers and Drop-off Sites, located in each region of Fairfax County, offer both drop-in and long-term prevention programs and activities.  Please contact the centers directly for updated information on current programs. 
  • Middle School After-School Programs. Fairfax County Public Schools offers comprehensive, high-quality after-school activities that provide opportunities for middle school youth to: feel safe, improve academic development and performance, improve social, emotional, and physical well-being, improve school and community connectedness, reduce the potential for risk-taking behaviors, and reduce interest in gang involvement or delinquent activities.
  • School Age Child Care (SACC) offers fun, safe and educational care for 5-12 year-olds before school, after school and during school vacations in most Fairfax County elementary schools.
Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs
  • Road D.A.W.G. (Don't Associate With Gangs) program is a one-week summer camp for middle school youth who are at risk of substance abuse or gang involvement.
  • Towards No Drug Use (TND) is for participants in grades 9 - 12. The lessons in this curriculum cover gateway drugs, myth and denial of drug use, alcohol, chemical dependency, inhalants, club drugs, steroids, active listening and effective communication skills, self-esteem, stress and self control, negative and positive thought loops, peer pressure, refusal skills, decision-making tools and the importance of commitment.
  • Towards No Tobacco Use (TNT) is for participants in grades 5 - 8. During the sessions the participants learn what is in tobacco, the effect tobacco has on the body, the stages of tobacco addiction, skills for building self-esteem, tips for effective listening and communicating, how to be assertive and say "no" to peer pressure, advertising tricks and how to advocate "no tobacco use" in their communities.
Teen Dating Abuse and Domestic Violence
  • Safe Dates is a curriculum that deals with attitudes and behaviors associated with teen dating abuse and violence.  The program is intended for both males and females.  Safe Dates strives to:
    • Raise awareness of what constitutes healthy vs. abusive dating relationships
    • Raise awareness of the causes and consequences of dating abuse
    • Equip students with skills and resources to help themselves or friends in abusive dating relationships
    • Equip students with the skills to develop healthy relationships
Health Department
  • Communicable Diseases Epidemiology Program is to reduce illness and death from communicable disease in the community by identifying illness, investigating causes, and recommending actions to prevent transmission and spread.
  • Community Health Care Network was formed to provide primary health services for low income, uninsured residents of Fairfax County and the cities of Fairfax and Falls Church, who cannot afford primary medical care services for themselves and their families.
  • Childhood Immunizations provides routine childhood immunizations at no charge to children from birth to age 18, and to age 21 for students in public school.
  • Dental Services for Children offers comprehensive and preventive services to income eligible children and adolescent residents of Fairfax County.
  • HIV/AIDS Break the Silence program is designed to prevent the spread of the virus in the community by identifying illness, providing linkage to treatment, and taking actions to prevent the spread of disease.
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases Program is to prevent the spread of the diseases transmitted sexually in the community by identifying illness, providing treatment free of charge, and taking actions to prevent the spread of disease.
  • Speech and Hearing Services provide hearing tests and hearing aid evaluations county residents of any age, speech-language screenings, evaluations and therapy when appropriate.
  • Women Infants and Children Program (WIC) is a federally funded supplemental food program for pregnant, postpartum or nursing women, infants, or children under five years of age. Clients must meet income and residential eligibility requirements and be at nutritional risk.
Mental Health: Depression and Suicide
  • Lifelines is a comprehensive suicide prevention program.  The goal is to promote a caring, competent community in which help-seeking is encouraged and modeled and suicidal behavior is recognized as an issue that cannot be kept a secret.  Lifelines seeks to increase the likelihood that staff and students know how to identify at-risk youth when they encounter them.
  • Youth Act also known as SOS Suicide Prevention, is a depression awareness and suicide prevention program.  Its primary objectives are to educate teens that depression is a treatable illness and to equip them with techniques to respond to a potential suicide in a friend or family member.
Nutrition and Physical Activity
  • Summer Meals for Kids Program provides nutritious meals during the summer months for children at various sites throughout the county.
  • We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity and Nutrition) is a national movement designed to give parents, caregivers and entire communities a way to help children 8 to 13 years old stay at a healthy weight. We Can! provides four curricula:
    • We Can! Energize Our Families, designed for parents to help their families become more physically active, make healthful food choices and reduce recreational screen time
    • We Can! Media Smart Youth, designed to assist youth in making connections between media and health
    • We Can! Catch Kids Club, which educates youth about improved nutrition and increased physical activity
    • EatPlayGrow, which teaches children ages 2 to 5 and their parents how to make healthy nutrition and phsical activity choices
  • Women Infants and Children Program (WIC) is a federally funded supplemental food program for pregnant, postpartum or nursing women, infants, or children under five years of age. Clients must meet income and residential eligibility requirements and be at nutritional risk.
Parenting and Family Programs and Resources
  • Family Preservation Services have social workers work with families in their homes and communities to provide and coordinate intensive services needed to help families stay strong and healthy. These services are designed to enhance parents’ ability to create a safe, stable and nurturing home environment for their children.
  • Healthy Families Fairfax is a home-based early intervention and prevention program that offers first-time parents at risk of maltreating their child an opportunity to learn parenting skills and receive emotional support and case management services.
  • Community School Linked Services/Neighborhood Networks a voluntary, family-focused initiative that empowers children to succeed in school and enhances the family’s capacity to support them.
  • Parenting Education Programs offer parenting classes that include the entire family – parents and their children. Classes range from 12-21 weeks, depending on the ages of children in the family and are available in English or Spanish for most curricula. Classes are available with an African American cultural focus.
  • Parent Support Group is offered free of charge through the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, is limited to parents or custodians and focuses discussion among parents and Intake counselors on the following problems: runaway behavior, truancy, alcohol/drug abuse, and serious behavioral problems at home, school or community. Parents or custodians are welcome to attend whether or not their child(ren) are Court involved, and includes those families whose child/children may currently be on probation.
  • Strengthening Families is a family skills training program designed to increase resilience and reduce risk factors for substance abuse, depression, violence, aggression, delinquency and school failure in high risk, 10 – 14 year old children and their parents.


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