English learning materials and programs have always been in high demand at the library, and FCPL’s excellent online ELL resources are accessible anytime from the comfort of your home. Navigate to the databases below from the library's list of A-Z Online Resources, log in with your library card, and start practicing today.
- Mango Languages is an excellent choice for beginners. It offers basic English courses for speakers of 21 different languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese.
- Universal Class provides an opportunity to further improve your fluency with courses on basic English speaking, grammar, vocabulary and writing skills.
- Read It! offers good reading practice for intermediate students. Articles on a variety of subjects are short, and the text can be translated into many languages. You can also listen to a read-along with each word highlighted as you go.
- LearningExpress Library is a hidden gem of a resource for advanced students. It offers online practice for TOEFL iBT® reading, writing and speaking practice tests. Tip: type "TOEFL" in the search field to go straight to the materials.