Your library is a census resource.
Your community needs your census response.
Why Should I Respond?
Did you know that census data helps determine how much funding our state and our county receive each year? More than $675 billion in federal funds are distributed annually based on data collected by the census. These funds help pay for education, infrastructure, healthcare, housing, emergency services and other public needs. For every Northern Virginia resident who is not counted in the census, our region could lose $1,200 a year in federal funds. That’s $12,000 over 10 years, and a whole lot of potential services and resources!
What You Need to Know
- Respond online, on paper or by phone to complete the questionnaire. Access free Wi-Fi and public computers at the library to respond online.
- Stay tuned to the library’s online calendar for announcements about census events and opportunities to access additional public computers and receive assistance completing your questionnaire.
- When completing the census, you’ll note where you are living on April 1, 2020. Be sure to include all members of your household on that date, including young children and babies.
- The online 2020 census questionnaire will be available in English and 12 other languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Haitian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese. Language guides will also be available in 47 other non-English languages along with American Sign Language, Braille and large print. Census Questionnaire Assistance will be available to callers using a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD).
- All responses to Census Bureau surveys and censuses are confidential and protected under federal law. The Census Bureau will never share a respondent’s personal information with immigration enforcement agencies, like ICE; law enforcement agencies, like the FBI or police; or allow it to be used to determine their eligibility for government benefits.
Learn more about the 2020 census at