Housing and Community Development

CONTACT INFORMATION: Operating Hours: 8AM-4:30PM M-F
703-246-5000 TTY 711
3700 Pender Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Tom Fleetwood
HCD Director

Notice of Funding Availability / NOFA

The Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia and possesses specific powers granted by state code, including the ability to issue bonds, purchase property and make loans. As such, the FCRHA acts as Fairfax County’s local housing finance agency.  The FCRHA began a tax-exempt financing program in the late 1970s to facilitate the development and preservation of affordable housing. Through tax-exempt bond financing and, as an FHA-approved housing finance agency, the FCRHA is able to provide a vehicle for private developers to obtain low-cost mortgages to acquire, construct and rehabilitate multi-family developments. 

Fairfax County uses a variety of local, state, and federal funding sources to support the new development and preservation of Affordable Housing. More than $50 million is currently appropriated and is now available for multi-family affordable housing development projects.  Finance applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all funds are awarded or a subsequent NOFA is posted.

Fairfax County makes an annual contribution of its real estate tax revenue to the Fairfax County Affordable Housing Development and Investment (AHDI) Fund. Loans made out of this fund are known as “Blueprint loans.” The FCRHA provides Blueprint loans to developers seeking to develop or preserve affordable housing units throughout Fairfax County. 

The FCRHA is providing a minimum of $42,272,563 in Housing Blueprint Funds for affordable housing projects through this NOFA. 

$500,000 to support predevelopment and construction costs for housing projects that include permanent supportive housing (PSH) units.

This fund is intended to develop affordable housing opportunities, specifically projects which facilitate the acquisition, construction, or preservation of affordable housing, and which leverage private funds. The fund is capitalized via proffered contributions from private developers through the County’s entitlement process, or County contributions for specific housing needs. The fund has three specific funding pools, including General Housing Fund, Tysons Housing Fund, and Senior Housing Fund.

Cash proffers paid by developers in lieu of the creation of affordable units, paid on a per unit basis. $206,253 additional allocation for new construction and preservation.

Cash proffers from commercial properties in the Tysons Corner Urban Center district that support the development of workforce and affordable dwelling units within this district, on a per-square foot basis. The FCRHA is making $96,250 available for affordable housing opportunities in the Tysons Urban Center through this notice. 

Funds allocated for the provision of affordable housing for older adults and/or persons with disabilities. $1,435,119 additional allocation for the provision of affordable housing prioritized for older adults and/or for persons with disabilities

$5.5 million in state funding awarded through FCRHA to support the development of affordable rental housing projects that will increase the regional supply of quality permanent supportive housing for extremely low-income adults with serious mental illnesses (SMI). These funds are intended to support due diligence, acquisition, entitlement, rehabilitation, construction or operating reserves for units that are studio, 1 BR and/ or 2 BR. Additional parameters:

HOME funds are allocated annually to Fairfax County by HUD. $753,529 in HOME funds available through this NOFA may be used for the acquisition, rehabilitation, preservation, and construction of affordable housing. 

*Fiscal Year 2025 runs from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025



A virtual pre-application conference was held on September 18, 2024 at 3:30pm. Click here to view the presentation.



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