Department of Family Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
703-324-7500 TTY 711
12011 Government Center Parkway, Pennino Building
Fairfax, VA 22035
Michael A. Becketts

Foster Family News – Archive

Foster Family News banner

In case you missed them, these are the Foster Family News' past issues.

  • New Video: 2024 Fairfax County Foster Parent of the Year
  • Foster Parents Enjoy Connecting at Annual Appreciation Event!
  • Spotlight on Recent Foster Care Promotions: Nakejah Allen and Colleen Regan 
  • June is Reunification Month 
  • City of Fairfax Honors Foster Care Month 
  • Foster Care Recruitment in the Community
  • Events Central
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: Can a child or youth have contact with their birth family via telephone, email, text, or social media? 
  • Story in Stats: Fairfax County FY 2023 Foster Care Statistics 
  • Foster Care Myths Foster Care Facts: You can foster or adopt a relative’s child. 
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Foster Care Month: Engaging Youth. Building Supports. Strengthening Opportunities
  • Celebrating Our Foster Parents for Their Years of Support!
  • 5 Things You Should Know About Karen Roberts, Supervisor Foster Care & Adoption Placement and Resource Unit
  • Welcome to the New Foster Parents Certified in FY 2024! 
  • New Report on State-By-State Survey of Kinship Care Policies
  • Events Central 
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: Can the youth in my home have a cell phone? If they already have a cell phone, what are the parameters around allowing them to use it? Who pays for the cell phone? 
  • Story in Stats: Fairfax County Foster Care FY 2023 Entrance Demographics 
  • Foster Care Facts: Entering foster care is never a child’s fault. 
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Improvements in Relative Engagement and Kinship Placements from 2023 to 2024
  • Helping Children Manage Their ADHD Symptoms
  • Foster Care Unit Success Story: Family Commitment Leads to Success, Independence, and Belonging
  • Video: African American Hair Care for Transracial Foster and Adoptive Families
  • April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
  • Events Central 
  • Support Groups 
  • Frequently Asked Question: What is the difference between foster care and adoption? 
  • Story in Stats: Fairfax County Foster Home Recruitment Data FY 2023 
  • Foster Care Myths: You can’t foster if you are part of the LGBTQ+ community. 
  • Trainings and Conferences 
  • Video: Adoptando a Alejandro (Adopting Alejandro)
  • Helping Children Manage Their Anger
  • Foster Care Unit Success Stories: Reston
  • The Fundamentals of Training
  • Appreciating and Empowering DFS Social Workers
  • Events Central 
  • Support Groups 
  • Frequently Asked Question: What is Respite? How do I access it?
  • Story in Stats: Children Entering Foster Care by Region (FY 2023)
  • Foster Care Myths: You can’t foster if you've had a difficult time in your life.
  • Trainings and Conferences 
  • Foster Family In Focus: Meet the Perez Family
  • Building Trust with Your Teens
  • Foster Care Unit Success Stories: An Unfortunate Circumstance Yields a Positive Outcome
  • Unscripted: Conversations about Sexual and Domestic Violence Podcast
  • Faster Families Highway Gets a Refresh
  • Events Central 
  • Support Groups 
  • Frequently Asked Question: What about transportation? 
  • Story in Stats: Outcomes for youth in care 
  • Foster Care Myths: Parenting a foster child could hurt your own children. 
  • Trainings and Conferences 
  • New Video: Smith’s Foster Care & Adoption Journey 
  • The Foster Closet Supports Children in Foster Care 
  • Foster Family News – Spotlight on the New Fostering Futures Unit  
  • Farewell to Mary Lou Withem, Long-Term Volunteer with Volunteer & Partner Services and Foster Care & Adoption 
  • Tax deductions for Foster and Adoptive Parents
  • Puppy Party Fosters Fun
  • Events Central 
  • Support Groups 
  • Frequently Asked Question: How long does the court/administrative process take for reunification, termination of parental rights and adoption?
  • Story in Stats: Outcomes for youth in care 
  • Foster Care Myths: DFS wants to remove children. 
  • Trainings and Conferences 

  • What Parents and Caregivers Need to Know About Fentanyl 
  • Adoption Triad: Cultural Humility
  • Foster Care Unit Success Stories: The Power of Positive Connection
  • Creating a Kin-First Culture: The Power of Family Partnership  
  • Video: Comprender la Acogida Temporal y la Adopción  – Understanding Foster Care and Adoption (in Spanish)
  • Events Central 
  • Support Groups 
  • Frequently Asked Question: How do I identify a medical provider for a child placed in my home? 
  • Story in Stats: Fentanyl use among youth.
  • Foster Care Myths: I could never do what other foster parents do. 
  • Trainings and Conferences 
  • November is National Adoption Month
  • Navigating the Holidays in Foster Care
  • Foster Care Unit Success Stories: Siblings Overcome Obstacles to be Together  
  • Social Work Research Explores the Effects of ‘Enduring Relationships’ for Older Youth in Foster Care
  • Foster Care Success Stories
  • Parenting Your Adopted Teenager
  • Events Central 
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: Why am I not getting a placement? 
  • Story in Stats: Adoptions in the last year. 
  • Foster Care Myths: Foster families can’t be over 50 years old. 
  • Trainings and Conferences 
  • Globetrotting Grandmas Begin Ultimate Adventure as Adoptive Parents
  • Wondering About Hiring a Babysitter for a Child in Foster Care?
  • Foster Care Unit Success Stories: Twists and Turns Lead to Permanent Family Connection
  • Clifton Preschool Students Learn about Body Safety
  • Foster and Adoptive Mom of 15 years: “Teens are great!
  • The Department of Family Services Thanks Community for Successful 2023 Backpack and School Supply Drive
  • Special Events for Older Youth in Care
  • Events Central 
  • Support Groups 
  • Frequently Asked Question: What should I do if a child damages property in my home? 
  • Story in Stats: Number of Fairfax County Foster Families by Age 
  • Foster Care Myths: Foster families can’t have pets. 
  • Trainings and Conferences 
  • Fairfax County Foster Care ConGRADulates Our 2023 Graduates
  • Tips for Back-to-School Success
  • September is Kinship Care Awareness Month
  • Child Welfare Workforce Development Month
  • Meet Mary, One of the Children Awaiting Adoption
  • Recruiting Teen Advocates
  • Events Central 
  • Support Groups 
  • Frequently Asked Question: When do we engage relatives in the foster care process? 
  • Story in Stats: Educational Status 
  • Foster Care Myths: Foster parents responsible for medical insurance. 
  • Trainings and Conferences 
  • 5 Stress-Reducing Tactics for Parents and Caregivers 
  • New State Child Welfare Legislation 2023
  • Meet Jennifer Woods!
  • The Unexpected Rewards of Foster Parenting
  • Status of Foster Care and Adoption Maintenance Rates
  • Events Central
  • Support Groups 
  • Frequently Asked Question: What is the process for traveling out of state or out of the country with a child placed in my home?
  • Story in Stats: Why do Children Need Families?
  • Foster Care Myths: You have to be a parent. 
  • Trainings and Conferences 
  • Foster Family Fun Appreciation Event!
  • VDSS Exceptional Circumstances Payment Pilot Program Extended
  • Foster Care Unit Success Stories: Moving from Tragedy to Triumph
  • Celebrating Families Who’ve Overcome Challenges to Reunification 
  • Meet Marquis, One of the Children Awaiting Adoption
  • Events Central 
  • Support Groups 
  • Frequently Asked Question: How much can I spend on clothing for children placed in my home? What is reimbursable? 
  • Story in Stats: decrease in the number of older youth in care
  • Foster Care Myths: You can’t work full time.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Foster Parents of the Year
  • National Reunification Month 
  • Foster Care Unit Success Story: The Choice to Put Family First Touches Many Lives
  • Internet Safety: Protecting Children in the Digital Age 
  • Celebrating Rylynn’s 2nd Annual Gotcha Day 
  • Fairfax County Foster Statistics Updated May 2023
  • Events Central 
  • Kinship Corner 
  • Support Groups 
  • Frequently Asked Question: What is the Foster Parent Support Line?
  • Foster Care Myths: Teenagers are the most difficult to foster.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • National Foster Care Month - Strengthening Minds, Uplifting Families
  • Understanding Recertification for Foster Homes
  • Foster Care Unit Success Story: Preparing a Family for the Unique Dynamics of Raising a Grandchild as Kinship Caregivers
  • Foster Parents Reach 5 Years of Service 
  • Welcoming New Foster Parents Certified in FY 2023
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: How do we register youth for free classes at rec centers? 
  • Story in Stats: mental health of kids in care
  • Foster Care Myths: Children in foster care can't do normal things.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Exceptional Circumstances Payment Pilot Program
  • Training Opportunities for Foster Parents – Start Early and Be Consistent
  • Foster Care Unit Success Story: An Emotional Search Leads to a Loving Reunion
  • Spread the Word – April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
  • Megan Fedor – Starting Over as a Social Work Intern
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: Who is permitted to babysit?
  • Story in Stats: kids involved with CPS
  • Foster Care Myths: You need to own your home.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Filling Your Child’s Emotional Bank Account
  • DFS Spotlight – Karen Chaudhry, Resource and Support Specialist
  • Foster Care Unit Success Story: Raising Up a Child’s “Village”
  • Foster the Family D.C. Offers Support and Encouragement
  • Finding Normal
  • During Social Work Month, We Appreciate Our Workers
  • Virginia Department of Social Services Needs Your Feedback!
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: What is Fostering Futures?
  • Story in Stats: kids entering foster care
  • Foster Care Myths: kids in foster care are unfixable. 
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Get to Know Sarah Conner – Foster Care and Adoption Intern
  • Managing Tantrums and Outbursts – Supporting the Emotional Growth of Children
  • Foster Care Unit Success Story: A Young Adult Chooses Adoption into a Family that’s Perfect for Him
  • Foster Family News - Tax Deductions for Foster and Adoptive Parents
  • Take Off on the Faster Families Highway
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: Who is permitted to babysit?
  • Story in Stats: the impact of mentorship
  • Foster Care Myths: You can’t be single.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Workforce Welcome: Meet our Foster Care Intern, Melissa Alba!
  • New Fairfax County Kinship Navigator Puts Family First in Foster Care
  • Foster Care Unit Success Story: Helping a Youth to Navigate Adulthood
  • Helping Children Connect with Their Birth Parents
  • Youth Sports Scholarship Program
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: What should I do if a child damages property in my home?
  • Story in Stats: Engaging relatives of children in foster care
  • Foster Care Myths: I can't afford to be a foster parent.
  • Trainings and Conferences

  • New Foster Parent Recruiter Seeks Fairfax County Foster Care Ambassadors!
  • The Foster Closet Supports Children in Foster Care
  • Foster Care Unit Success Story: Just a Few Days Makes the Difference of a Lifetime
  • Fairfax County Public Schools Special Education Handbook
  • A Guide for Youth to Participating in Foster Care Case Planning
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: Why am I not getting a placement?
  • Story in Stats: African American children in foster care
  • Foster Care Myths: You can't foster or adopt someone you're related to
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Katie and Zak’s Foster Care and Adoption Journey
  • November is Adoption Awareness Month
  • Top 5 Reasons to Work with the Fairfax County Children, Youth and Families Division
  • Meet Adame and Ayana, two of the Children Awaiting Adoption
  • Adopting Children and Youth with Disabilities
  • Fairfax County Public Schools’ Resources
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: How do I set up daycare?
  • Story in Stats: Adoptions 2021-2022
  • Foster Care Myths: Children end up in foster care because of their own juvenile delinquency
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Raising Grandchildren: Stressful and Delightful
  • Remembering Daphne Saunders
  • Foster Care Unit Success Story: A Mother Overcomes Substance Use and Mental Health Issues
  • Children’s Bureau Express Spotlight on Kinship Care
  • New Video: Skincare for Children in Transracial Families
  • Successful VPS Back-to-School Drive Supports Children in Foster Care
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: What about transportation?
  • Story in Stats: LGBTQ+ youth in foster care
  • Foster Care Myths: You can’t foster if you are part of the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Fairfax County Foster Care Honors 2022 Graduates
  • Fairfax County Holds Reunification Month Celebration
  • September is Kinship Care Awareness Month
  • New State Foster Care Legislation Effective July 1, 2022
  • Join the Fairfax County Teen Advocates Program
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: How long does the court/administrative process take for reunification, termination of parental rights and adoption?  
  • Story in Stats: foster care graduates 
  • Foster Care Myths: I could never be a foster parent because I’d get too attached.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • 2022 Fairfax County Foster Parent of the Year
  • June is Reunification Month
  • Unit Success Stories: A Family is Restored with the Support of the Foster Care Team
  • New State Office of the Ombudsman Opens
  • Sam Carrico and Rylynn, the Facility Dog, Continue Making an Impact
  • Fairfax County Foster Care Statistics Updated May 2022
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: What is the process for traveling out of state or out of the country with a child placed in my home?  
  • Foster Care Myths: I can’t foster because I had a difficult time in my life. 
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • May is Foster Care Month
  • New Video: African American Hair Care for Transracial Foster and Adoptive Families
  • Unit Success Stories: Life Skills Services Help Foster Youth Transition to a Bright Future  
  • Milestones: Foster Parent Length of Service Recognition
  • Appreciating Our New Foster Parents 2021-2022
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: How do we register youth for free classes at rec centers?  
  • Story in Statistics: Children entering foster care 
  • Foster Care Myths: Parenting a foster child could hurt your children. 
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Social Media Tips! What’s Normal for Youth in Foster Care?
  • Raise Awareness for Child Abuse Prevention Month
  • Unit Success Stories: A Long Way Home for a Youth in Foster Care  
  • Understanding Virginia Child Welfare Terms and Abbreviations
  • Words Matter- Words of Encouragement for Children
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: What does DFS pay for college and/or training costs? 
  • Story in Statistics: Children involved with Child Protective Services
  • Foster Care Myths: DFS wants to remove children.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Navigating Adoption Podcast - The Countdown
  • Complete Virginia's 2022 Foster Parent Survey
  • Unit Success Stories: Research Connects Youth in Foster Care with Their Birth Families
  • FREE Easter Baskets for Children in Foster Care
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Support Groups
  • Frequently Asked Question: Can a child or youth have contact with their birth family via telephone, email, text, or social media?
  • Story in Statistics: Children aging out of foster care
  • Foster Care Myths: I could never do what other foster parents do.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • New Video, “Impact a Child’s Life for the Better”
  • Foster Care Definitions
  • Foster Care Unit Success Stories: Adult Adoption Completes Family
  • Tax Deductions for Foster and Adoptive Parents
  • Donor Spotlight: Fairfax County Foster Care Grateful for Holiday Donations
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Frequently Asked Question: What is respite? How do I access it?
  • Story in Statistics: Child Sex Trafficking
  • Foster Care Myths: Foster parents can't be over 50.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Get to Know Adame and Share His New Video
  • New Laws Affecting Child Welfare in Virginia
  • Unit Success Stories: Honoring Family Connections in Foster Care Placements Provides Stability
  • Parent and Caregiver Questionnaire SPICES Up Self-Care Routines
  • Donor Spotlight: Winter Coats Provide a Warm Hug!
  • Events Central
  • Kinship Corner
  • Frequently Asked Question: What about transportation?
  • Story in Statistics: Percentage of Children Who Enter Foster Care as Infants
  • Foster Care Myths: Foster families can't have pets.
  • Trainings and Conferences

  • The Hardin Family’s Foster Care and Adoption Story
  • Pilot Program Connects Kids in Foster Care to Relatives in 30 Days
  • Keep it Confidential – It’s the Law!
  • Celebrating Adoption Month – A Message from our DFS Directors
  • Foster Care and Adoption Specialist, Kendall McFarland Joins the County Conversation Podcast
  • Childhood Experiences Matter More than Gifts
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Question: How do I identify a medical provider for a child placed in my home?
  • Story in Statistics: FY 2020 Foster Care Stats
  • Foster Care Myths: Foster parents are responsible for providing medical Insurance for children in foster care.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Monica Lizama Thompson Tells Her "Real Story of Adoption and Foster Care"
  • November is Adoption Awareness Month
  • Foster Care Unit Success Stories – Mature Parents Supported on Journey from Foster Care to Adoption
  • Meet Adame, One of the Children Awaiting Adoption
  • Technology and Sleep
  • Family Emergency Planning
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Question: What is the Foster Parent Support Line and how and when do I access it? What is the Child Protective Services Hotline and how and when do I access it?
  • Story in Statistics: Finalized Adoptions
  • Foster Care Myths: You must be a parent.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Kinship Caregiver Stories
  • Understanding Parental Postadoption Depression
  • Unit Success Stories: A Sibling Group Goes Home from Foster Care
  • Virtual Career Academy Prepares Youth in Foster Care to Move Ahead
  • Back-to-School and Diaper Drives Provide Supplies for Hundreds of Children Involved with Family Services
  • Foster the Family D.C. Offers Support for Foster Families
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Question: What do I do if my child gets sick?
  • Story in Statistics: Services for Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care
  • Foster Care Myths: You can’t work full time.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Being A Foster Parent: Supporting Children and Their Families
  • September is Kinship Care Awareness Month
  • Unit Success Stories: Staff Helps Teen and Her Mom Restore their Relationship and Safely Reunify
  • Understanding the Impact of The Family First Prevention Services Act on Foster Care
  • Fairfax County Holds Virtual Graduation Ceremony
  • 5 Tips to Prepare Children to Go Back to School During COVID-19
  • The Foster Closet
  • COVID-19 Relief – Deadline: Wednesday, Sept. 15, 2021
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Question: When do we engage relatives in the foster care process?
  • Story in Statistics: Children in Kinship and Foster Care
  • Foster Care Myths: Teenagers are the most difficult to foster.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Become a Foster Care Ambassador
  • Training – It's Essential!
  • Unit Success Stories: Saying "Yes" Without Hesitation
  • Foster Care Family Appreciation
  • Children Awaiting Adoption
  • Positive Placements for Siblings
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Question: How much can I spend on clothing for children placed in my home?
  • Story in Statistics: High School Graduates in Foster Care
  • Foster Care Myths: Children in foster care can't do normal things.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • 5 Things About Julie Bowman, the New Program Manager for Resource and Support
  • Foster Care and Adoption Maintenance Rate Increase
  • Unit Success Stories: An Emergency Relative Foster Placement Leads to a Permanent Home
  • Foster Youth Shares How Legislation (H.R. 7947) Made a Difference in Her Life
  • Department of Family Services Welcomes New Facility Dog
  • June Foster Parent Breakfast Held In-Person
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Question: How do we register youth for free classes at rec centers?
  • Story in Statistics: Ages of Children in Foster Care
  • Foster Care Myths: You need to own your home.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Congratulations to the 2021 Foster Family of the Year
  • Children’s Bureau Express Highlights Reunification Month
  • How Can Birth and Foster Parents Partner to Achieve Reunification?
  • Foster Parents Connect through FAQ Breakfast
  • Overcoming the Odds – A Family Reunited
  • Raising A Relative’s Child? You Are Not Alone
  • 2021 Summer Camps and Programs
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Question: When do we engage relatives in the foster care process?
  • Story in Statistics: Children Reunified with Their Families
  • Foster Care Myths: I can’t foster, I would get too attached.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • May is Foster Care Month
  • Milestones: Foster Parent Length of Service Recognition
  • Celebrating New Foster Parents
  • Unit Success Stories: Defining Success – Adaptability in the Face of a Pandemic
  • How You Can Inspire Youth in Foster Care
  • Fairfax County Foster Care by the Numbers – Annual Statistics 2020
  • Financial Support Available for Former Foster Youth
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Question: What is Fostering Futures?
  • Foster Care Myths: Foster kids are unfixable.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Words from Fairfax County Foster Care and Adoption Association (FCFCAA)
  • April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
  • How to Know When Your Child Has a Mental Health Concern
  • Unit Success Stories: Success Can Be the Smallest Steps
  • Support After an Adoption
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Question: How do I manage a youth's use of social media? 
  • Story in Statistics: Children Entering Foster Care
  • Foster Care Myths: You can’t be single.
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Older Adults Choose Foster Parenting: Make A Lasting Difference for Youth!
  • The “Factors that Matter” for Children and Youth
  • Social Workers are Essential
  • March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
  • Contingency Fund Available to Support Foster Families
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Question: What is the difference between daycare and summer camp?
  • Story in Statistics: Top 3 Reasons Adolescents Leave Foster Care
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Love Yourself: 5 Tips for Self-Care
  • Build Up Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Praise
  • Parenting in Transracial Foster/Adoptive Families 
  • Teen Gift Drive Exceeds Expectations
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Question: What do Life Skills Coordinators do? 
  • Story in Statistics: Parents Who Adopt Foster Youth
  • Sponsor and Donor Highlights
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • In Case You Missed It – Adoption Snapshots!
  • Healthy Minds Fairfax Supports Children and Teens
  • New Online Adoption Resources 
  • La Tika Jeffery 2020 Adoption Excellence Award Honoree
  • Spotlight on the South County Foster Care Unit
  • The Six Stuck Spots
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Question: How do we apply for WIC benefits for youth under 5, especially for formula for infants? 
  • Story in Statistics: Length of Time in Foster Care
  • Trainings and Conferences

  • Words from Fairfax County Foster Care and Adoption Association (FCFCAA)
  • County Conversation Podcast featuring Tela Jones, Foster Care and Adoption Specialist 
  • Ways that FC&A is Responding to COVID-19 Concerns
  • Watch the Annual Adoption Video – the Morales Family’s Adoption Journey!
  • New Mandated Reporter Portal Available
  • Walkers Raise Awareness for Support of Mental Health in Foster Care
  • Spotlight on the Adoption Unit
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Question: How do I set up daycare? 
  • Story in Statistics: Mental Health Issues in Foster Care
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Adoption Snapshots
  • County Conversation Podcast featuring Natalie Sposato, Permanency Coordinator
  • November is Adoption Awareness Month
  • Watch Our NEW Foster Parent Recruitment Video!
  • Grad Parade Celebrates Success
  • Spotlight on the Reston Foster Care Unit
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Questions: What are the expectations between the Department and Foster parents regarding communication and response time?
  • Story in Statistics: Teens Waiting for Adoption
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Fostering Futures: La Tika Jeffery
  • Wondering about Hiring a Babysitter for a Child in Foster Care?
  • Join us at the Community Corner!
  • Spotlight on the Placement and Resource Unit
  • Healthy Minds Foster Futures Virtual 5K Walk
  • Parent and Student Support Programs
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Questions: What is the role of the Permanency Coordinator and why was one assigned to my child’s case?
  • Story in Statistics: Extended Foster Care
  • Trainings and Conferences
  • Words from Fairfax County Foster Care and Adoption Association (FCFCAA)
  • DFS Asks Community to Help Protect Children During COVID-19
  • County Offers Supporting Return to School (SRS) Program in Response to COVID-19
  • Back to School Routines
  • New Virtual Parent Café Offered with African American Cultural Focus
  • September is Kinship Care Awareness Month
  • Events
  • Frequently Asked Questions: How do we apply for free/reduced lunch for school-age kids?
  • Story in Statistics: Grandparents in Fairfax County Raising Children
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences
  • Foster Family in Focus: Lesley Field
  • Supporting African American Children in Foster Care
  • Kelley Traver Selected as Reunification Hero
  • DFS Parenting Education Programs Answers FAQs
  • Spotlight on South County Foster Care & Adoption Unit
  • Advice for Youth in Foster Care
  • Events
  • Frequently Asked Questions: What do I do if my child gets sick?
  • Story in Statistics: Race and Ethnicity in Fairfax County Foster Care
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences
  • Words from Fairfax County Foster Care and Adoption Association (FCFCAA)
  • Using Virtual Tools to Bridge the Gap
  • COG Recognizes Outstanding Foster Parents
  • Making Self-Care a Priority
  • Spotlight on Adoption and Kinship Assistance Unit
  • Speaking Your Child’s Love Language
  • Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in Foster Care
  • Events Central
  • Frequently Asked Questions: What does DFS pay for college and/or training costs? 
  • Story in Statistics: Children in the U.S. Reunified with Their Families
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences
  • A Note of Appreciation for Foster Parents from the Director
  • Recognition of New Foster Parents
  • May is Foster Care Month
  • Bridging the Gap: Keeping Families Connected
  • Milestones: Length of Service Recognition
  • Parent Support Line and other Virtual Parenting Supports
  • A Staff Tribute to All Foster Parents
  • Spotlight on the Pre-Service Training & Home Study Unit
  • Events
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Can a child or youth have contact with their birth family via telephone, email, text, or social media? 
  • Story in Statistics: Families Certified to Serve as Foster Parents
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences
  • Foster Family in Focus: Shelley and Scott Daniel
  • Video Message from Sheila Donaldson and Kamonya Omatete
  • April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
  • New Foster Parent FAQ Breakfast
  • Connect with Us through our DFS Facebook Page
  • Spotlight on Annandale Foster Care Unit
  • Individual Education Plan (IEP) Workshop
  • Upcoming Events
  • Frequently Asked Questions: What are the specific roles of the foster care specialist, resource specialist, adoption specialist, home study specialist and post adoption specialist?
  • Story in Statistics: Children Involved with Child Protective Services
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences
  • Words from Fairfax County Foster Care and Adoption Association (FCFCAA)
  • Traveling with Children in Foster Care
  • Tax Reminder
  • New DFS Facebook Page
  • Spotlight on the Foster Care Case Carrying Unit for the Central Region of Fairfax County
  • Upcoming Events
  • Frequently Asked Questions: How Soon Will a Child Join My Family? 
  • Story in Statistics: Top Four Reasons Children Enter Foster Care
  • Donors and Sponsors Highlights: SACC Suitcase Drive
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences
  • Fostering Success: Joel Choi
  • Nurture Yourself in The New Year
  • Spotlight on the In-Service Training and Home Study Unit
  • Paint Party
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Can the youth in my home have a cell phone? If they already have a cell phone, what are the parameters around allowing them to use it? Who pays for the cell phone? 
  • Story in Statistics: Children Adopted from Foster Care
  • Donors and Sponsors Highlights: Cakes4Kids
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences
  • Foster Family in Focus: Carissa and Rouse Barker
  • Tax Deductions for Foster and Adoptive Parents
  • Spotlight on the Permanency and Life Skills Unit
  • Children Awaiting Adoption - Meet Elyas
  • Annual Holiday Party
  • Frequently Asked Questions: What is the difference between Foster Care and Adoption?
  • Story in Statistics: Siblings
  • Donors and Sponsors Highlights: Santa’s Workshop
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences

  • Bethany Shively, FCFCAA president, Shares a Special Message
  • Reminder about Inclement Weather Policies
  • Applying to College
  • Online Training for Grief and Loss
  • November - Adoption Awareness Month
  • Frequently Asked Questions: What is respite? How do I access it?
  • Story in Statistics: Adoptions Finalized
  • Donors and Sponsors Highlights: Hug Wrap for Foster Care
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences
  • Preparing Youth for Adult Responsibilities
  • Children Awaiting Adoption
  • Family Fun Picnic Slideshow
  • Event Central: Fairfax County School Year Calendar; Fairfax Kinship/Foster/Adoptive Parents' Night Out; Woven Together by Love
  • Frequently Asked Questions: What about transportation?
  • Story in Statistics: Minimum Age to Become a Foster Parent
  • Donors and Sponsors Highlights: Fairfax County Park Authority
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences: Nov. 16 Supporting Youth in Foster Care Through Their Teen Years and Beyond
  • Bethany Shively, FCFCAA president, Shares a Special Message
  • Searching for Youth Advocates
  • Go Fast, Go Free: Bus Pass Program
  • Changes to Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
  • Event Central: Foster Family Focus Group; Summer Reading Event
  • Frequently Asked Questions: How long does the court/administrative process take for reunification, termination of parental rights and adoption?
  • Story in Statistics: The Average Time Youth Spend in Foster Care
  • Donors and Sponsors Highlights: Barnes & Noble
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences
  • Bethany Shively, FCFCAA president, Shares a Special Message
  • New Foster Care Laws in Virginia
  • It's Immunization Time!
  • Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) Campus Tour (Slideshow)
  • Training: It's What's Required
  • Event Central
  • Frequently Asked Questions: How do I identify a medical provider for a child placed in my home?
  • Story in Statistics: The Average Age of Youth Entering Care
  • Staff Spotlight: Sheila Donaldson
  • Donors and Sponsors Highlights: Touching Heart Schools on a Mission After-School Program
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences (Save the Dates!)
  • Bethany Shively, FCFCAA president, Shares a Special Message
  • Success! Cordelia Cranshaw
  • Clearing the Air about Vaping
  • Foster Family in Focus: Sabrina Darden
  • Managing Expectations
  • Event Central
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Why haven’t I had a placement yet?
  • Story in Statistics: Aging out of Foster Care
  • Donors and Sponsors Highlights: American Systems
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences (Save the Dates!)
  • Bethany Shively, FCFCAA president, Shares a Special Message
  • Bookbag: Foster Care Awareness Month Reading List
  • Foster Parent Training and Appreciation Event Slideshow
  • Event Central: Proclamation; Life Skills Workshop; “Broken Places” Documentary and Discussion
  • Frequently Asked Questions: What should I do if a child damages property in my home?
  • Story in Statistics: Percentage of Children Placed in Foster Care by Region (FY2018)
  • Donors and Sponsors Highlights: Canterbury Woods Elementary School
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences (Save the Dates!)
  • Bethany Shively, FCFCAA president, Shares a Special Message
  • Supportive Services Survey
  • Frequently Asked Questions: When do we engage relatives in the foster care process?
  • Story in Statistics: Race of Children in Foster Care
  • Staff Spotlight: Mary L. Adamchak
  • Donors and Sponsors Highlights: OPHELIA Foundation
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences (Save the Dates!)
  • Bethany Shively, FCFCAA president, Shares a Special Message
  • What is Normal: Cell Phones and Youth
  • Frequently Asked Questions: How do I arrange for summer camp? Who is responsible for payment?
  • Story in Statistics: Children in Fairfax County Foster Care
  • Donors and Sponsors Highlights: Hillmann Consulting LLC
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences
  • Bethany Shively, FCFCAA president, Shares a Special Message
  • Success: John Craig-Lee
  • Event Central
  • Frequently Asked Questions: What is the process for traveling out of state or out of the country with a child placed in my home?
  • Story in Statistics: Children Who Have Left Foster Care in Fairfax County
  • Staff Spotlight: Keith Wong
  • Upcoming Trainings
  • Bethany Shively, FCFCAA president, Shares a Special Message
  • What Is Normal: Social Media and Our Youth
  • Holiday Party
  • Frequently Asked Questions: How much can I spend on clothing for children placed in my home? What is reimbursable?
  • Story in Statistics: Age of Foster Care Children in Foster Care
  • Donors and Sponsors Highlights: Irving Burton Associates
  • Upcoming Trainings
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