Department of Family Services

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Fairfax, VA 22035
Michael A. Becketts

DFS Spotlight: Debra Miller

(Posted 2023 August)

Meet Debra!

Position: Youth Education and Outreach Specialist, Domestic and Sexual Violence Services, Fairfax County, Department of Family Services

Debra MillerI’ve been with the county for 4 years, first as a victim advocate working directly with people experiencing domestic and sexual violence. In the last year and a half, I’ve been the youth education and outreach specialist. In my role I go around to middle schools, high schools, community centers and other after school programs to talk about healthy relationships, consent, healthy communication, self-esteem--things that can really help prevent sexual and domestic violence among young people. I also run the Teen Advocates Program with other county and nonprofit agencies where teens are developed into community leaders, and they plan events around the community to raise awareness about dating violence. 

When I first graduated college, I worked for a national level nonprofit doing victim services and I had administrative and communications roles. I was really jealous of the programmatic folks that got to do the work hands on. So, I went back to school and got my degree in social work where I focused on violence prevention and sex education and then I came to work for the county.

The most rewarding part of this work is getting to work with the teens and see them become more and more confident talking about things like dating violence and consent and becoming community leaders on these topics. One of my favorite things is being at an event and watching them take the lead, speak to their peers, run programs, and really thrive in the work they’re doing.

Coming to work for the Department of Family Services was a no-brainer. When I was working at the national level nonprofit, I was really missing that community piece. When I saw an opportunity to work for the Department of Family Services in the community where I was born and raised, I thought it was perfect! 

DFS is a great place to work. The reason I’ve stayed for the past 4 years and would encourage others to join the Department of Family Services is because I work with so many passionate people who are really experts in the work they do and I’m always learning from them every day. 

We work hard. We play hard. Outside of work I like to do workout videos and yoga videos to decompress from my day. I also spend time with friends and family and watch a lot of TV shows, especially reality TV.

I’m a green connoisseur! A fun fact about me is that my favorite color is green. I know that doesn’t sound very fun, but I wear green almost every day, if not every day. The shoes at my wedding were green. The dress at my bat mitzvah was green. Anyone who knows me knows to expect me in that color. That’s why it’s a fun fact about me.

Get to know more about Debra through this video spotlight.

Join our team to discover why I enjoy working with DFS so much.

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