Department of Family Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
703-324-7500 TTY 711
12011 Government Center Parkway, Pennino Building
Fairfax, VA 22035
Michael A. Becketts


Learn about different topics for caregivers of older adults and/or an adults with a disability.

Subscribe to our YouTube caregiver video playlist.

Check out this latest video: Modern & Contemporary Family Dance Class

A Health & Wellness Vision Board Journey

Adult Service Options for the Aging

Advances in Understanding of Chronic Pain: Diagnosing & Treating Chronic Pain 

Aging in Place: Program Models & Community Resources

Aging in Place: Transitional Care from Hospital to Home

Art Therapy: Healing Through Art

Best Practices When You are Chosen to Manage Someone Else’s Money

Brain Fitness: Keys to Extending Independence

Calming the Storm: Using Mindfulness to Meet Big Emotions

Caregiving and Technology: Latest Devices and Apps 

Caregiver Considerations

Caregiver Stress & Healthy Living

Caregivers' Grief, Loss, and Coping

Caregiving Through the Holidays

Caring for a Loved One With Cancer 

Carrying Out Caregiving: Checklist for Caregivers

Challenges and Support for Caregivers & Older Adults in the LGBTQ Community During COVID-19

Charla Virtual: Vacuna Contra el COVID-19 

Come to a Memory Cafe

Communicating with a Loved One with Dementia

Crafts for the Family: Engaging Loved Ones with Memory Loss

Creating Support Systems for Family Caregivers

Creative Engagement: How to Use Your Right and Left Brain to Improve Your Sense of Well-being

Current Popular Scams - Tips for How to Protect Your Loved Ones

Dance Fitness for Caregivers

Dementia 101

Dementia is Stressful

Developmental Disability Resources During COVID-19 

Diagnosis: Dementia...Now What?

Dimensions of Caregiver Wellness

Do's and Don'ts for Discussing Dementia

Driving Safety Among Older Adults: A Medical Perspective

Effective Communication Strategies in Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

Emergency Preparedness for Caregivers

Envejecimiento Digno

Exploratory Ballet Class

Exploring Health Disparities in Minority Family Caregivers

Exploring Kinship Caregiver Support

Faith & Spirituality in the Caregiving Journey

Filling My Cup: Gratitude Journaling for Self-Care

Five Important Questions to Answer When Paying for the Care You or Your Loved One May Need

From Me to You Intergenerational Drama Class

Hiring In-Home Care

Home Safety Education Panel

Hospice and Palliative Care Overview

How to Advocate for Your Loved One During Hospitalizations

How to Support a Loved One Living with Brain Injury

Inviting Joy Into Your Life

Is it Normal Aging or Dementia

La Salud del Corazón del Latino- ¿Qué Nos Diferencia?

Legal Considerations for Family Caregivers

Legal Tools for Caregivers

Long-Term Care: Understanding Options and Advocacy 

Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) - Medicaid After the Public Health Emergency

Maintaining Balance as a Caregiver with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion

Medicare 101

Medicare 101- In Spanish

Medicare 102

Memory Engagement with Arts and Crafts

Mindfulness in the Kitchen

Modern & Contemporary Family Dance Class

Neuroplasticity and Living a Full Life Following a Stroke

Nonpharmacological Approaches for Managing Dementia Behaviors

Our Journey: Lived Experiences of Multicultural Family Caregivers

Pulmonary Rehab - Helping You Breathe Easer

Preparing for the Increased Cost of Caregiving

Presente! A Latino History of the United States

Program Models for Loved Ones Living with Dementia

Providing Care at the End of Life

Resistance Training for Caregivers

Resources for Caregivers, Older Adults, and Adults with Disabilities

Self-Care for Caregivers

Self-Care Techniques for the Caregiver

Simple Meals for Healthy Eating

Sticky Fingers Cooking Class

The Caregiving Journey: A Panel Conversation with Family Caregivers

The Joy of Using LEGO Serious Play in Caregiving

The Role of Food & The Wellness of the Heart: Preventing Heart Disease

Top Ten Legal Facts that Family Caregivers Need to Know, but Probably Don't

Transformation by Affirmation

Traveling with Your Loved One

Understanding Common Mental Health Conditions in Older Adults

Understanding Dementia for Caregivers

Understanding Stroke

Understanding the Aging Process: How Aging Affects Your Nutritional Status

Understanding the Challenges of Caregiving in the LGBTQ Community

Veteran Family Caregivers: Exploring Unique Challenges and Resources Panel Conversation

What Legal Tool is Right for Me and My Family

When is it More Than Just a Bad Day

When Your Loved One is Hospitalized

Yoga and Meditation for Stress Reduction

You Are My Sunshine Intergenerational Music Workshop

Learn about the Family Caregiver Support Program.

Check out Fairfax County Older Adults services online or through the YouTube video playlist.

Fairfax Virtual Assistant