
703-324-2391 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, VA 22035

Glossary of Terms




Average Household Size

The average number of persons residing within a household in a particular area. It is computed by dividing the total population in households (excluding group quarters such as correctional facilities, nursing homes and college dormitories) by the total number of occupied housing units in that area.


At-Place Employment

The jobs that are filled and are located within a particular jurisdiction.


Birth Rate

The number of births per 1,000 persons in the population within a specified time period.


Block Groups

Block groups are geographies that divide federally defined census tracts into smaller areas for analysis purposes.  The boundaries of block groups follow visible, identifiable features and must be wholely contained within a census tract.  


Civilian Labor Force

All persons 16 years old and older, excluding members of the Armed Forces, who are either employed or unemployed but actively looking for work and available to accept employment.


Consumer Price Index (CPI)

A concept developed by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. It is used to measure average changes in prices over time of a fixed market basket of goods and services. Regional CPIs such as that for the Washington, DC area cannot be used to compare cost of living differences among regions.


Death Rate

The number of deaths per 1,000 persons in the population within a specified time period.



Those persons 16 years old and older who are currently holding income producing jobs.



Two or more persons living in the same household who are related to each other by blood, marriage or adoption.


Family Income

A concept developed by the US Bureau of the Census. It refers to the combined gross money income of all members of a family living in the same household.



Projections tempered by policy estimates which strive to reconcile past and current trends with current and anticipated policy.


Full Time Employment

The employment status of an individual who works 35 or more hours per week at an income producing job.


Garden Apartment

A multifamily structure having one to four stories.


Gross Floor Area

The area within the perimeter of the outside walls of a building taking into account the number of stories contained in the structure. Space used for interior features, such as stairwells and elevator shafts, is included in the gross floor area.


High Rise

A multifamily or office structure having nine or more stories.



A household is an occupied housing unit and includes all persons who occupy that single housing unit. A household may be comprised of one or more families, one or more unrelated individuals, or a combination of families and unrelated individuals.


Household Income

The combined gross money income of all persons who occupy a single housing unit. The household income can be comprised of the gross money income earned by one or more families, one or more unrelated individuals, or a combination of families and unrelated individuals who occupy a single housing unit.


Housing Unit

A house, apartment, mobile home, or other unit occupied or vacant but intended for occupancy as separate living quarters.



See definitions for family and household income.


Labor Force

All persons 16 years old and older who are either employed or unemployed but actively looking for work and available to accept employment, plus the members of the Armed Forces.


Low Rise

A multifamily or office structure having one to four stories.



The middle value in an ordered range of numbers. The median divides a distribution into two equal parts, one half having values above and one half having values below the middle value.


Mid Rise

A multifamily or office structure having five to eight stories.



Property designed for use by educational, government or other institutional use or for use by retail, wholesale, office, hotel, service, or other commercial use.



A dwelling unit that is either owned or being purchased by a household member, including mortgaged units.


Part Time Employment

The employment status of an individual who works less than 35 hours per week at an income producing job.


Personal Income

A concept developed by the US Bureau of Economic Analysis. It is a broader income concept than adjusted gross income or money income. Personal income consists of wage and salary disbursements, profits from businesses that are not corporations, net rental income, dividends, personal interest income, and transfer payments (such as pensions and welfare assistance). It includes wages and salaries paid in-kind, the net rental value of owner-occupied houses, and the net value of food and fuel produced on farms. Capital gains are not included because they are not attributable to current economic activity.


Planning Districts

The 14 areas into which Fairfax County is divided for planning purposes. The planning districts' boundaries tend to remain stable over time.


Poverty Thresholds

Poverty thresholds are based on the Social Security Administration's definition of the minimum income that allows for a nutritionally adequate diet and adequate housing. It allows for differences in the size and composition of families. The poverty income cutoffs are revised annually to allow for changes in the cost of living as reflected in the Consumer Price Index.



Projections are based upon trend analyses utilizing statistical techniques.



Dwelling units which are not owner-occupied.


Resident Employment

The number of an area's residents that are employed, as compared to at-place employment which refers to the number of persons employed in an area whether or not they reside in the area.


Single Family Attached Housing Units

Single family attached housing units include duplexes, multiplexes and townhouses.


Single Family Detached Housing Units

Single family detached housing units are homes located on individual lots and mobile homes. 


Supervisor Districts

The nine areas in Fairfax County of roughly equal population from which a Board of Supervisors' member is elected. The supervisor districts are revised every ten years according to changes in population as measued by the US Decennial Census.



The status of an occupied dwelling unit as either owned or rented.



A quasi-independent political subdivision of a county. Fairfax County has three towns: Clifton, Herndon, and Vienna.



A single-family attached structure.


Unemployed Persons

Civilians in the labor force 16 years old and older who do not currently hold jobs but are actively looking for work and are available to accept employment.


Unemployment Rate

The percentage of the labor force that is unemployed.


Vacancy Rate

Residential Vacancy Rate is the percentage of total housing units that are unoccupied.

Nonresidential Vacancy Rate is the percentage of the total available square footage not leased.



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