Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board

CONTACT INFORMATION: Emergency - 703-573-5679 / Detox - 703-502-7000 (24/7)
703-383-8500 TTY 711
8221 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive
Fairfax, Virginia 22031
Daryl Washington
Executive Director

Request a custom Mental Health First Aid class

CSB Wellness, Health Promotion & Prevention staff members are available to provide custom Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) courses in the community.

These classes are conducted in English and are usually scheduled as a two-day seminar (4.5 hours each day), two half-day events spaced over a short period of time – they can also be conducted as a one-day, 9.5 hour event:

The Primeros Auxilios para Salud Mental (PASM) class conducted in Spanish focusing on adults is scheduled as a two full-day seminar (7.5 hours each day), or four sessions of three hours each spaced over a short period of time. A minimum of 10 participants are needed to schedule a class, with a maximum of 20.

Fees for custom classes will be determined after discussion.

Please use this form to request a custom class and allow a minimum of 30 days notice to schedule your class. CSB staff will respond to your inquiry within 3 business days.

(if applicable)

I am interested in setting up a:

Adult MHFA class (English)
Adult MHFA class (Spanish)
MHFA for Older Adults class (English)
Youth MHFA class for adult attendees (English)
MHFA for Higher Ed class for adult attendees (English)
MHFA for Public Safety (English)

(Please allow a minimum of thirty days notice.)

A class must have a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 participants.

Can you provide training space? (The space requires room for separate tables of four to five participants each with enough room for movement around the room. If you are unable to provide this, we can work with you to find an appropriate training space.)
Yes, we have space available.
No, we'd need help identifying a location.

Several pieces of equipment are needed for the training. Can you provide:

     LCD Projector?

     Laptop computer? (with Office 2010)

     Television with DVD player?

How would you plan to pay for the course? (Fees for custom classes will be determined after discussion.)
Payment will be made as a group.
Payment will be made individually.

Fairfax County is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in all county programs, services and activities. Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request. For information or to request this information in an alternate format, call 703-538-7476, TTY 711. Please allow two weeks’ notice to arrange ADA accommodations.


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