
The new and improved Human Service Resource Guide (HRSG) is coming! Beginning on May 20, you will be able to use the new HSRG, with an enhanced ability to search for services and organizations, and a slightly different look and feel. While the web address is changing, the existing link will be redirected to the new one for about a year. Once you see the new HSRG, please update your bookmarks.

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The Human Services Resource Guide is maintained to enhance public access to information about human service resources available to Fairfax County residents. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, we make no guarantees. The inclusion of an organization or service does not imply an endorsement of the organization or service, nor does exclusion imply disapproval.

Under no circumstances shall Fairfax County or its employees be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages which may result in any way from your use of the information included in the Human Services Resource Guide.