Disability Rights and Resources

CONTACT INFORMATION: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
703-324-7948 TTY 711
Disability Rights and Resources, 12011 Government Center Parkway, Suite 708
Fairfax, VA 22035
Trina Mayhan-Webb

Fairfax Area Disability Services Board

The Fairfax Area Disability Services Board (FA-DSB) is made up of 15 volunteers appointed by elected officials of Fairfax County, City of Falls Church, and the City of Fairfax to represent and advocate for people with physical and sensory disabilities.

Fairfax Area Disability Services Advisory Board


The FA-DSB works to include people with physical and sensory disabilities into mainstream community life. Our activities on behalf of people with physical and sensory disabilities include:

  • Informing and educating people about disability policy and barriers to community mainstreaming.
  • Advising elective bodies on issues and policies including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Assessing local services and service needs for state and local government.
  • Catalyzing the development of public and private funding for services.
  • Monitoring compliance with federal, state, and local disability law.
  • Developing and supporting linkages to improve service coordination and the array of services.
  • Advocating for the rights of people with disabilities.

As your representatives, we need to hear from you. Consider the following:

  • The Fairfax Area Disability Services Board values community input. Each meeting begins with an open comment period, and the board welcomes suggestions from the public on how to make the Fairfax area a better place for people with disabilities.
  • Meetings are held virtually or take place in person. Check the meetings section for upcoming meetings and their locations. Meetings are generally held the second Monday of the month from 7-9 p.m. When they take place in person, they are usually at the Fairfax County Pennino Building conference rooms 200/206.
  • The Fairfax County Government Center is conveniently located in close proximity to I-66 and Route 50. If you are using public transportation, use Fairfax Connector bus #621, 622, or 623 and Connector bus #605 Fair Oaks – Reston Line. For public transportation information, call 703-339-7200. For Metrorail or Metrobus connections with the Connector buses, call 202-637-7000.
  • Join a committee! The Fairfax Area Disability Services Board has committees on transportation, housing, employment, emergency preparedness, and more. Contact us about joining a committee by calling 703-324-5874 or sending an email.

David Simon, Chair (At-large)

Jamie Gibbs, Vice Chair (At-large)

Brandis Ruise, Secretary (Hunter Mill)

Deborah Cohen (Braddock)

Courtney Cezair Mayers (Dranesville)

Robin Rinearson, O.D. (Mason)

Michael Ritter (Springfield)

Andrew Magill (At-large)

Deborah Hammer (Mount Vernon)

Lindsay Harris (City of Falls Church)

Sarah Graham Taylor (Franconia)

Vacant (Providence)

Christie Garton (At-large)

Diane Monnig (Fairfax City)

Bryan Scrafford (Sully)

Martha Glennan Disability Inclusion and Equality Awards

Martha Glennan Award logoThe Fairfax Area – Disability Services Board’s Martha Glennan Disability Inclusion and Equality Awards are presented annually to recognize people, businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and others that excel in demonstrating a commitment to promoting equal rights and community inclusion for people with disabilities. Nominations due October 18, 2024. Learn more about the awards.

Accessible Voting for Voters with Disabilities

Every citizen has the right to vote.

Fairfax County is dedicated to providing accessibility to all voters.

Voting Options

  • Voters can vote in person before Election Day at any of 16 satellite locations including the Fairfax County Government Center.
  • Voters can vote absentee by mail.
  • Voters can vote at their designated polling place on Election Day.


  • All polling places are wheelchair accessible.
  • All polling places have a magnifying device for voters with low vision.
  • Accommodations can be provided upon request, including assistance marking a ballot.

Ballot Marking Devices

  • All polling places have a ballot marking device that enables independent voting.
  • Voters use the ballot marking device to mark their ballot before putting it into the scanner.
  • Ballot marking devices have accessibility features, including a touchscreen, keypad with large braille buttons, and a screen reader with an audio headset.

Curbside Voting

  • Curbside voting is available at every polling place.
  • Voters with disabilities or 65+ years old can vote without leaving their car.
  • Upon arrival to the polling place, voters can call the number posted to request curbside voting.

For more information: www.FairfaxCounty.gov/Elections/Disability-Services

703-222-0776, TTY 711


Print Accessible Voting for Voters with Disabilities flyer (pdf)

2022 National Disability Employment Awareness MonthOctober is Disability Employment Awareness Month

Fairfax County Department of Family Services is proud to participate in National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). Held each October, NDEAM aims to recognize the essential role people with disabilities play in our nation’s economic success through employment.

This year’s theme, "Disability: Part of the Equity Equation," recognizes the vital role people with disabilities play in making the nation's workforce diverse and inclusive. Learn more.

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