A source of funds for ideas in parks
There is no shortage of great ideas, however without a bit of organization and financial backing many ideas never become reality. That's where the Fairfax County Park Authority's Mastenbrook Grant Program makes a difference.
Mastenbrook Grants provide limited matching funds for projects in Fairfax County parks. Since 1999, more than 219 Mastenbrook Grants have been awarded. These grants have helped to fund dog parks, playgrounds, athletic field and court improvements, picnic shelters tree plantings, and more.
In 1998, John Mastenbrook, a 21-year veteran of the Fairfax County Park Authority Board, suggested the creation of a grant program to encourage public and private ventures that would improve Fairfax County parks and park facilities. The program's aim was to fill a gap between limited bond funding and the community's desire for enhancements to neighborhood parks. This concept became the Mastenbrook Volunteer Matching Fund Grant Program which has resulted in wonderful ideas coming to life for more than two decades.
Individuals or groups can apply for Mastenbrook grants for local park projects which are made possible by capital development funds approved by the Park Authority Board. This is a flexible program which allows volunteers to match the grant with dollars and/or in-kind volunteer services. The target maximum amount of grant funding is $20,000 per project, and matching funds cannot exceed 50% of the total project cost. An individual or group is eligible to receive more than one grant award per fiscal year, provided the grants are for different projects and the total grant funding does not exceed $20,000.
Each application is reviewed by a cross-divisional team of park staff, which then makes a recommendation to the Park Authority Board. The Board makes the final decision on funding. The proposed projects must address Park Authority needs and must serve the general public. Project designs must meet all Park Authority standards and code requirements and be consistent with relevant Park Authority master plans.
Neighborhood and homeowner associations, environmental groups, sports leagues, scouting organizations, friends groups and individuals have received Mastenbrook funds for projects.