
CONTACT INFORMATION: Regular hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday - Friday.
703-324-9300 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Parkway Suite 755
Fairfax, VA 22035
Suzie Battista, AICP
Section Director

Environmental Stewardship

The Plan envisions opportunities for Tysons to be a county leader for environmental stewardship and sustainability. Transit-oriented development reduces automobile driving, resulting in fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Tysons' compact development pattern is more energy-efficient than low density suburban development. Enhanced stormwater management, stream restoration, tree preservation, the promotion of green buildings, and a green network of parks and open spaces all contribute to environmental stewardship. For current initiatives see the Environmental Stewardship section of the Tysons Tracker.

The Plan’s key features of Environmental Stewardship include:

Green Buildings

The Plan calls for all new residential buildings to achieve LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification, or an equivalent green building standard. Office and other nonresidential buildings are expected to achieve the higher standard of LEED Silver; this is also the goal for county projects greater than 10,000 square feet. For information on green building policy for county-owned and operated buildings, visit the Green Building webpage by the Office of Environmental and Energy Coordination.

Stream Restoration

The Plan calls for the restoration and enhancement of existing streams (Scotts Run and Old Courthouse Spring Branch) as the network of parks and open space in Tysons is developed. The existing stream valley parks in Tysons require protection, enhancement, and management to ensure the long-term viability of these important urban habitats. The Plan recommends that developments contribute toward stream restoration and the stabilization of adjacent stream valleys.

Stormwater Management

The Plan calls for the use of Low Impact Development techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, porous pavement, and vegetated roofs. It also calls for the retention of the first inch of rainfall on-site, or for stormwater management measures equivalent to the current LEED standards.

Urban Stormwater Concepts for Tysons provide an overview of the stormwater goals for Tysons and urban best management practices that can be used to implement the Comprehensive Plan vision for stormwater reuse, infiltration, and runoff reduction.

For more information, view the documents below from Land Development Services:

Below are draft Toolkit documents that can be used to help demonstrate compliance with the Tysons stormwater goals:

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