Low-cost native tree and shrub seedling packages are available each spring. Trees and shrubs help cleanse water, prevent soil erosion, provide habitat, cool our climate and clean our air.
Green Breakfasts are held the second Saturday of every other month - an opportunity for the community to gather and learn about a variety of engaging environmental topics. What will you discover?
Capture the rain! Attach a rain barrel to your downspout to reuse the collected water in your yard. Save money and promote water conservation with a rain barrel from one of our DIY workshops or pre-made sales.
Get ideas and inspiration for landscaping at your home, school, or place of worship. Homeowners showcase their rain gardens, porous pavers, green roofs, rain barrels, edible landscaping, native plant gardens, and more.
How healthy is your soil? Find out by burying a pair of white cotton undies (or other white cotton material) for at least 60 days. Then dig it up to see how microbial activity broke it down. More degradation = more microbial activity = healthier soil.