Safety In Our Community
- Countywide program goal of "preventing the 911 call"
- Offers free smoke alarms and home inspection, conducted by firefighters
- Offers seasonal fire and life safety information to residents
- Smoke alarms for rental or leased housing units are the responsibility of the owner or landlord. Owners are obligated to service, repair, or replace any malfunctioning smoke alarms within five days of written notice from the tenant.
- To schedule a smoke alarm installation (including a visual smoke alarm for deaf and hard of hearing persons), or a home inspection, please call Public Affairs and Life Safety Education at 703-246-3801
Elementary and Secondary School Programs
- Kitchen safety classes
- Latch key safety classes
- Age appropriate general safety classes
- For more information or to schedule a program please call (703) 246-3801
- A safety program targeted to the most vulnerable segments of the population, the very young and elderly
- Pre-school program reaches children three to five years of age in public and private schools and licensed daycare centers; teacher training, fire safety puppet shows, teacher and parent training that reaches over 23,000 children
- Over 18,000 seniors have been exposed to programs addressing fire safety, File of Life, and injury from falls
- School Aged Child Care (SACC) program reaches children 5 to 11 in public schools educating children about life safety education initiatives
- For more information or to schedule a program please call (703) 246-3801
Community and Civic Groups
- Fire Safety presentations including home escape planning and proper smoke alarm placement
- Community slide show showing Departmental program
- For more information or to schedule a program please call (703) 246-3801
Juvenile Firesetters Intervention Program
- An educational intervention program targeted for juvenile firesetters administered by nationally certified personnel. Referrals are received from court officials, school counselors, law enforcement officials, mental health practitioners, fire investigators, firefighters, parents, and adult relatives
- For more information or to schedule a program please call (703) 246-3801